Add Your Voice! Fill out our online form to include your input in our next Community Needs report, or contact Cyndi New at, 864-725-5469.

Self Regional Healthcare conducts a Community Health Needs Assessment every two to three years to help identify the greatest health needs in our seven county service area.

Utilizing interviews, facilitated discussions, analyses and other tools we gathered this information in the Lakelands region, which includes Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Newberry, and Saluda counties. The Self Regional Healthcare Board of Trustees formally adopted the Community Health Needs Assessment on  August 5, 2022. Self Regional’s Community Prevention and Wellness team will update the Implementation Plan from the 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment and a copy of plan will be available upon request March, 2023.

The results of the 2022 assessment are available here:

CHNA Report (2022) (PDF)
CHNA Data Assessment (2022) (PDF)

We are currently gathering information to coordinate another Community Health Needs Assessment in the future. Add Your Voice!

Key Areas of Community Health

The information we collect during this process will give us a better understanding of how each county is positioned in these key areas of community health.

  • Access to health services
    A person’s ability to access health services has a profound effect on every aspect of his or her health.
  • Screenings and immunizations
    Services such as routine disease screening and scheduled immunizations both prevent and detect illnesses and diseases—from flu to cancer—in their earlier, more treatable stages, significantly reducing the risk of illness, disability, early death, and medical care costs.
  • Environmental quality (air, land, water)
    Poor air quality is linked to premature death, cancer, and long-term damage to respiratory and cardiovascular systems. An environment free of hazards, such as secondhand smoke, carbon monoxide, allergens, lead, and toxic chemicals, helps prevent disease and other health problems.
  • Maternal and infant child health
    The well-being of mothers, infants, and children determines the health of the next generation. Improving the health of a woman before she becomes pregnant results in better outcomes.
  • Mental health
    People, including children and adolescents, with untreated mental health disorders are at high risk for many unhealthy and unsafe behaviors, including alcohol or drug abuse, violent or self-destructive behavior, and suicide.
  • Injury and violence
    Motor vehicle crashes, homicide, domestic and school violence, child abuse and neglect, suicide, and unintentional drug overdoses are important health concerns in many communities.
  • Nutritional, physical activity and obesity
    A healthful diet, regular physical activity, and achieving and maintaining a healthy weight are paramount to managing health conditions so they do not worsen over time.
  • Substance abuse
    Abuse of drugs and alcohol is associated with a range of destructive social conditions, including family disruptions, financial problems, lost productivity, failure in school, domestic violence, child abuse, and more.
  • Tobacco use
    Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States, yet more deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined.
  • Oral and dental health
    Good oral health allows a person to speak, smile, smell, taste, touch, chew, swallow, and make facial expressions to show feelings and emotions. Poor oral health can result in cavities and gum disease.
  • Reproduction and sexual health
    Untreated sexually transmitted diseases can lead to serious long-term health consequences.
  • Social determinants (education, employment, neighborhood)
    People with a quality education, stable employment, safe homes and neighborhoods, and access to preventive services tend to be healthier throughout their lives.

For more information about our Community Health programs contact Cyndi New at, or 864-725-5469.